「 點‧心設計邀請展」籌創於2006年,是個由台灣設計師合力促成的設計聯展,每年透過五十件作品來反應一個共同的議題,並在台灣各地巡迴展出。這是設計師意識到台灣整體所面臨的轉型挑戰時,所選擇的一種自我檢視與發聲方式。五年來透過不同的題材,嘗試與台灣的生活文化對話。這看似理所當然的連接,卻是習慣於產業代工思維下的設計師,所面臨的新的試煉。
歷年主題分別為2007「五十凳」,2008「文房五十」,2009「 奉茶五十」與2010「原力五十」及2011「五十禮」。五年來參與設計師總數已超過一百二十人。是國內重要的設計交流平台。
Dian Shin / Design Refreshment : The Origin
Industrial Design is regarded as a newly adopted technique in Taiwan's industries. Since the past half century, industrial design has been contributing tremendous development in promoting Taiwan's industries. However, when Taiwan started evolving gradually from the ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) into another new era, Taiwan designers are also faced with tough challenges to cope with such industrial evolution. The main challenge not only lies on the technical issues, but also on proposing new ideals of creative lifestyles with fresh values and new paradigm of living.
Under the new era of trends and globalization where Taiwan designers are having a dialogue with the world, they have to bring up their original, contemporary cultural viewpoints in order to gain equal position in the global design forum. During the process of finding self-identity, Chinese Civilization - the deep-rooted cultural heritage of thousands years, is our essential resource to reflect upon our personal values. However, in order to manifest originalities and creativities, those designers who are currently in Taiwan should reunite as a whole to re-depict the contemporary cultural spirit. Dian Shin / Design Refreshment is a wake-up call for Taiwan designers aimed to unearth Chinese cultures, knowledge and values of lifestyles.
Dian Shin / Design Refreshment is pioneered and organized by Yu-tsung Hu, the creative director of ndd Design. He wishes to gather passionate designers with the same vision of experimenting new designs on an explorative, stimulating topic through such annual design exhibition. The design results will be displayed in main cities and shared with people all around Taiwan.