2011 五十禮 × 50 Manners 

2011 點心「五十禮」與你一同探尋,台南城市美學

08 / 12~ 09 / 11  台南愛國婦人館亮麗開展
09 / 16~09 / 25   北上「台灣設計師週」征服北部人的心
10 / 01~11 / 20   台南生活美學館,一起體驗美麗台南

12/05 ~ 12/24  國立中央大學藝術中心
12/30 ~ 02/28/2012 台中放送局。分享幸福 放送台灣好設計





第一年在台南的題目定為「五十禮」,是希望每位設計師以一件作品,表達對台南人文資源與生活氛圍的某點記憶與感動,也希望能讓關心與喜愛台南的人產生共鳴。當然單靠某件作品,絕無法說清楚對台南的印象與想像,但是五十件作品聯合起來,應該就能略窺設計師眼中這座古城的風華與魅力。這是「點.心」送給台南的見面禮, 希望大家都可以從中看見現代府城的生活價值與美感。

Description of the theme 50 Manners
The Dian Shin Design Refreshment has been held since 2006. About 50 outstanding Taiwanese designers were invited every year to create a work on a specific common issue to find the Oriental modern living value and wisdom from the Chinese civilization. From the ‘50 benches’ in 2007, the ‘50 Pleasures in the Study’ in 2008, the ‘50 Tea Servings’ in 2009 to the ‘Potential 50’ in 2010, the key point and design inspiration of the exhibition was changing from utensil and living field to living value and experience.  

Because we found that the exploration of design in Taiwan shall not lose the dialogue with the land and the public, we decided to set Tainan as the field of highlights of Dian Shin Design Refreshment. Tainan was the first administrative center of Taiwan and known as ‘Taiwan’s Kyoto’. This city has not only the greatest historic monuments and cultural heritage but it has invited the artists from the field of craft, architecture and design to develop some dialogues with the city’s evolution context. We hope that we can manifest the new features of this city and absorb new possibilities of viewpoint through the sensation and experience of the ambience of urban life. This year the theme of the exhibition was set as ‘50 Manners’ and we hope that every designer will create an innovative ‘gift’ to express his or her own sensation and memory about Tainan and explore further the living value and aesthetics of modern Tainan. 

漫步在府城,你常可以看到帶有歷史味道的紅牆 (攝影/曾文祈)
但你也很容易看到,創新元素的加入 (攝影/曾文祈)
古早的工藝,依舊默默的流傳著 (攝影/ 曾文祈)

有著可愛名字的茉莉巷,同樣也有著可愛的風景 (攝影/ 曾文祈)

傍晚來個安平運河散步之旅~  (攝影/ 曾文祈)


1 則留言:

  1. TWDW大會導覽手冊」內容誤植更正啓示:

    1. p.23 吳柏融 現為「箱包袋設計師」
    2. p.23 陳彥豪×呂惠瑛 十一事務股份有限公司 jericho1104@hotmail.com/ erika.lu@gamil.com

